Your Guide on How To Measure Content Engagement
Content engagement describes how effectively your website’s pages convince readers to take your desired action. It’s a pillar of content marketing, a strategy that focuses on content creation and search engine optimization (SEO) to reach users with the information they want to find.
But if it’s so important, exactly how do you measure it? In this post, we’ll be covering some helpful metrics and tips on how to measure content engagement on your website.
At WebFX, we help hundreds of businesses develop engaging content and measure its success. Check out our content marketing services to see what we can do for you.
How to measure content engagement with these 10 key metrics?
SEO marketers often get the following question — how do you know a content marketing campaign is working?
While content engagement metrics may seem challenging to measure, there are many ways to gauge a page’s success. Let’s look at 10 telling content engagement metrics that can help you gain some insight into how your content is performing.
1. Pageviews
A pageview is a specific instance of a web browser loading a particular page, even when the same user views the page multiple times. Pageviews are some of the most intuitive stats to track because they tell you how popular your site pages are among users.
You can also track unique pageviews, which are the number of times a new user views a page, excluding repeat visits.
Checking the number of pageviews and unique pageviews is a great way to check that your content is achieving your goals.
2. Bounce rate
Bounce rate describes the number of viewers that leave your site after viewing a single page. A high bounce rate indicates many readers are leaving your site after only viewing one page. This could mean one of two scenarios.
For one, the page’s content could use some adjustments to better engage the reader. Users are known to skim pages of content. If they can’t immediately find what they need, they’ll leave for another website. A low bounce rate is preferable for pages you want to direct readers further down the buying funnel.
A high bounce rate may also mean your content hits the nail on the head. The page gives the reader what they need, meaning their search is over. A high bounce rate is ideal for conversion pages.
3. Backlinks
A backlink is where another website links to your page. Earning backlinks can boost your site traffic and SEO rankings, especially when they come from high-ranking pages.
Backlinks tell readers and search engines that your page contains useful, reliable information. While not a direct engagement metric, backlinks correlate with traffic and provide more opportunities for users to find your page.
4. Organic search traffic
Organic search traffic describes the number of users who found your site through an organic search. A high amount of organic traffic means that your page is ranking for the topics and keywords your readers want to find. The data you find will tell you if your content works or needs further SEO focus.
Authentic engagement comes from interactions with real people who need your products or services. There’s value in knowing how many readers find your content organically, as opposed to those who followed targeted advertisements. It means you’re doing something right!
5. Session duration and pages per session
Session duration is the average time users spend on your website, even as they click through different pages. More time spent on your site indicates that its content engages readers, likely because they find value in each page.
You can better interpret the average session duration by comparing it with pages per session — the average number of pages a reader clicks through while on your site.
A reader who spends a short amount of time on your site but clicks through numerous pages may indicate they’re struggling to find what they need. This means there’s an opportunity for you to make your site more engaging. Your site should ideally keep users on a handful of pages for longer.
6. Average time on page
Average time on page breaks session duration down to its page-by-page specifics. These numbers will tell you how much time users spend on specific pages.
A reader will spend more time on your page if it contains engaging content that gives them value. A page with a short average view time likely has an attractive headline but could use some revision to meet readers’ needs.
7. Scroll depth
Scroll depth refers to how much of a page the viewer sees after clicking its link. Vertical scroll depth is the most actionable measure — it will tell you how far down your readers scroll on your page.
Scroll depth explains if your content is the right length to grasp and retain the reader’s attention. It can also tell you if your viewers are getting the information you want them to see.
Use scroll depth to inform your approach to page structure. If most readers only scroll through half of your page, you could frontload important information and calls to action.
8. Email signups
You can tell that your page is engaging viewers if they accept your call to action. Requesting viewers to join your email list is a great way to nurture leads and produce conversions down the road.
Pay attention to email list signups and other CTA follow-throughs to see if your content sways readers in your direction.
9. Social shares
The most engaged readers will be enthusiastic about your content and feel compelled to share it with their social media followers. Likes are great, too, but shares facilitate further engagement from your followers’ followers. In short, it’s a domino effect that you want to be a part of.
Social media shares can validate your content’s quality while exposing your site to more viewers. Aim to garner social shares when writing blogs and other informative content.
10. Conversion rate
Any page should achieve a specific goal. Whether you want to persuade readers to contact your business or get them to browse your products in-depth, your aim with your site pages should be to have your readers complete a certain task that benefits you.
Conversion rates calculate how often users are completing said actions. Conversion rates are calculated with this formula:
[converted visitors/total visitors] x 100 = conversion rate
Boost content engagement with WebFX
WebFX has a team of over 450 SEO specialists who are ready to help you create engaging content for your site. Our revenue-driven content marketing strategies will provide you with access to industry-leading software that produces actionable engagement insights and success for your business.
Request a free quote for our services or call 888-601-5359 to speak with a WebFX strategist today!
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